An anxious heart weighs a woman down, but a kind word cheers her up. Proverbs 12:25

Friday, June 14, 2013

Update on Becoming a Healthier Me

I cannot believe it has been a month since I last posted an update! Where has the time gone? Since my last post I have met twice with my surgeon and other medical professionals. My surgery is scheduled for Monday, June 17th! Yes, in just a few days! I have been on what is called Stage 2 Liquid Diet for two weeks which will continue for another two plus weeks. Stage 2 Liquid Diet consists of the following:

Liquids: Water, Crystal Light, Sugar Free Jell-O, decaf tea or coffee, broth or bouillon, and regular V8 Juice.
Protein Drinks: 60-80 grams a day – To replace my 3 “meals”.
Snacks: 2-4 a day – sugar free pudding, light yogurt with 8 grams or less of sugar and low fat, fat free or low fat cream soup.

I thought I would miss “eating” or chewing, but I don’t! I am doing quite well with this diet. Maybe it’s because I can still eat chocolate! My protein drinks are chocolate and my puddings are mostly chocolate! My taste buds are happy little campers! HA-HA!

Total weight loss from my heaviest weight is 50 lbs. I’m wearing some clothes that I wore 3 years ago! The other day Jim said, “That dress looks familiar.” I said, “It should - I wore it three years ago!” Jim tells me all the time how proud he is of me. He knows how hard I have worked - especially how hard I have worked to finally get the insurance to pay for my upcoming gastric bypass. It’s taken 10 years! So never give up people! Keep praying - If it is the Lord’s will it will happen – in His time. Just hang in there and persevere!

I should be in the Hospital about 3 days then transferred to a nursing facility close to home until I can get up or out of chairs and the bed by myself. I will be cut open from the sternum to the belly button and will not be able to use my stomach muscles for a while. I also will have to give myself injections of blood thinner for about 10 days after surgery to help prevent blood clots. This will certainly be a new experience for me in more ways than one.

Someone asked me the other day if I am looking forward to the surgery. I told them like an expectant mother – Not really looking forward to the pain of delivering a baby but looking forward to the life altering experience that motherhood brings. I’m not looking forward to the pain of surgery and recovery, but I am looking forward to the life changing experience that will occur due to the surgery. I’m looking forward to becoming a healthier me!

Yes, each day I am closer to my main goaol – Becoming a Healthier Me!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers. They truly are greatly appreciated!


Anonymous said...

OH I am so excited for you! Our Weigh~In Wednesday group is praying for you and we are all wishing you much success. CHeck in as you can. God Bless

Michele Williams said...

Thank you Kim for your prayers. they are greatly appreciated.

Denise said...

Sending you love and prayers.

An anxious heart weighs a woman down, but a kind word cheers her up. Proverbs 12:25